There are three priorities which are at the heart of all we do here at First Baptist Church of Pegram—God’s Glory, God’s Grace, and God’s Word. The exaltation of the Glory of God in the Cross through the finished work of Christ is the aim of all our ministry. It is our desire and privilege to proclaim the Excellencies of His Grace to the world around us (I Peter 2:9). The Grace of God in Christ Jesus Our Savior has abounded to all those who know Him. We are committed to sharing the mercy of Our Savior’s Sacrifice with all who come through our doors and with all whom we encounter in our community (I Peter 4:10). Submitting all our lives to the Gospel of God’s Redeeming Work, depending upon its power, and applying its truth to our lives is the passion of the elders, pastors, and leaders who faithfully serve among this body of believers (Titus 2:11-13).